Saturday, October 5, 2013

How to enhance web content

Having my all my references in English the post was written in English to preserve authenticity.

How to enhance web content

A  Response for

'Les nouveaux créateurs de réalité : le cas de blogues' Written by Henry Sahyoun

The post talked about the blog phenomenon, and how to choose a blog in regards the technology of blog, its technical components, its structure, and this structure’s characteristics.

What about the content? Here I’m shedding the light on this topic.

In order to have a successful Blog, its content should reflect the following:

This not only helps visitors to your site find the original work, but it also provides SEO benefits for the creator of the content and guards against your site being mistaken by the search engines as the original work.


Blog as Hub

Let your blog served as the communication hub for an organization.



People can interact when they have something to say and they become active members of what you’re building, thus promoting interaction (you can always put a close that URL with insults will be shut).


Editing is a feature that I always miss when I’m in a hurry, or after a long night of overwork while I’m feeling sleepy, etc.
This feature states the following:
  • Print your page. Reading a printout is a great tactic for spotting errors.
  • Wait. You’ll start to see what it actually says, not what it’s supposed to say.
  • Ask someone else to read your copy. Having a second reader is one of the best ways to clarify and correct your copy.
  • Read backward. Great for proofreading numbers and useful when you need to make sure that a piece of text is perfect.
  • Read out loud. Reading out loud, or using screen-reading software, will make you take in the words differently. This is also a good way to check the “voice” of your piece and whether the text flows smoothly.
  • Read line-by-line, word-by-word. Use a spell-checker.
  • Change the look; e.g., font size, background color or text color.

Grabbing Attention

Grab attention with great copy, memorable images and inspiring videos.


Heading attract audience to the web content, and enhance its search ability by the web engine.



They are graphic enhancing visual representations of information, data or knowledge.



Show similarities, differences and third unique viewpoint about the topics.



Using keywords in blog posts helps the post to be picked up and ranked by search engines.


Attribution, links are the currency of the web. In addition to linking to posts you’ve referenced, you can also refer to and link back to one of your own related posts, which will also help your blog’s Search engine optimization (SEO). That’s what I’m doing now.


Numbers in Titles

When a title contains a number, it gets more attention.”, for example, 26 Tips, anyone?


Optimizing Blog Posts

Using keywords and tags helps with a blog’s overall SEO.


Pain Points

Rich Brooks writes in his post, “How to Develop a Social Media Content Strategy,” that knowing your audience’s pain points will help you tap into conversations that may otherwise pass you by. Begin by finding key phrases and narrowing them down further so you can determine what’s most important to your audience. (I myself try it as much as possible. But I cannot camouflage or deform hard facts and history, so excuse me if anyone found these facts painful, I’m just writing...)



Ask readers questions at the end of the post, which gives people something specific to respond to. (That is what also happened to me and I was at the edge of losing my whole grade!)



People come to your blog to read articles, and the easier they are to read, the better.

(That’s what I also miss in somnolence as I mentioned before, and that’s another reason to lose my grade!).


Style Guide

Blogs require a consistent style guide so that anyone who writes and edits posts will be able to adhere to the same rules.



Choosing the rights templates and needed feature will enhance its effectiveness and representation.



Rather than starting a new post from scratch, you can go back to the original post and update it with the information you’d like to add.



Georgina Laidlaw suggests that Pace, rhythm, turns of phrase, idioms—even the way you use punctuation—all contribute to the voice of your blog.

Heidi Cohen suggests that personality, tells a story, is contextually relevant, listens and interacts, sounds like a real person, has a point of view and avoids sanitized corporate-speak (but I think not to the point of being impudent or shameless) are points that enhance your blog.


Write for the World

Your audience is not homogenous; its members almost certainly vary in age, race, gender, physical abilities, nationality, culture, sexual orientation, and so on.

Determine whether a group-specific reference is relevant, be exact, beware of false generalizations... watch out for bias inherent in slang and other figures of speech, and don’t overcompensate.


Expert Interviews

Conducting expert interviews is a good content source for blogs to consider. Name recognition of someone in your field in whom your audience is interested has a good chance of increasing the post’s readership.


Multimedia (Video and Audio, youtubes, vimeo, etc)

As YouTube says, “Video is much more engaging than text. It draws more users and keeps them on your site for longer…


Zigzags and Leaps

Barbara Hurd offers a chapter entitled “Zigzags and Leaps.” She writes, “So the question becomes: how to make the mind move, how to make our thinking zigzag and swerve, plunge and leap as we search for the right direction? [1]



In addition, I found an amazing article written by Rand Fishkin [2] dealing with this topic, and stating the following


“Participate in the Communities Where Your Audience Already Gathers.

Use Twitter, Facebook and Google+ to Share Your Posts & Find New Connections.

Install Analytics and Pay Attention to the Results.

Participate in Social Sharing Communities Like Reddit + StumbleUpon.

Guest Blog (and Accept the Guest Posts of Others).

Interact on Other Blogs' Comments.

Participate in Q+A sites.

Enable Subscriptions via Feed + Email (and track them!).

Attend and Host Events.

Use Your Email Connections (friends, co-workers, family, etc) to promote Your Blog.

Survey Your Readers (so you can know the pros and cons)

Aggregate the Best of Your Niche

Connect Your Web Profiles and Content to Your Blog

Uncover the Links of Your Fellow Bloggers (and Nab 'em!)”

Among other, I found these few tips written by Pamela Vaughan [3] from many redundant or worthless tips, those are helpful:


Use Your Introduction Wisely.

Use Fun, Hypothetical Examples. (Sometimes in torturing issues there’s no fun, in my opinion!) .

Hijack a Meme (not me-got you, kidding...a meme is quite simply a concept, behaviour, or idea that spreads, usually via the internet (like Spam, you already know the story! If Not read the post in this blog)

Crack a Joke (Here is one :


“A rabbit hops into a shop and says: have you got any cabbages?

The employee says that he doesn't sell cabbages and the rabbit hops off. The next day the same rabbit hops into the same employee and says, "Have you got any cabbages?"

The employee, getting annoyed, says "look I told you yesterday - I'm a butcher, I don't sell cabbages, now go away!"

The rabbit hops off. But the next day it hops into the employee again and again asks "have you got any cabbages?"

The employee, really annoyed now, snaps "No I haven't got any damn cabbages! If you come in here again asking for cabbages I will nail your ears to the floor!"

The rabbit is scared by this and quickly hops out the door.

The next day it hops into the butchers and asks "have you got any nails?"

The employee replies angrily, "NO"

"Ok," says the rabbit with a grin, "what about cabbages?") [4] This is not a joke; and this is not Bugs Bunny, this is the link for the joke.


I hope that’s will do zigzag your attention to these important content suggestions beyond the technicalities issues.


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